INTERENERGY project final conference

The final conference of the project “Investigating energy transition pathways – interrelation between power-to-X, demand response and market coupling”– INTERENERGY , funded by the Croatian Science Foundation under the project number IP-2019-04 9482, took place, as a side event of the SDEWES 2023 Conference, at 13:30, on Tuesday, September 26th 2023 in the ROOM A. The special event chair and project leader was prof. Neven Duić from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.

On this event, participants had the opportunity to get detailed information about the new, open source long-term energy planning model, which is developed with particular emphasis on the technologies that can enable energy transition towards 100% RES-based energy systems.

Also, a round table featuring the most prominent researchers in the field of energy planning took place, with the hot topic of advances in energy system modelling, including the modelling of various e-fuels, energy conversions needed for balancing of the smart 100% RES-based systems and their management.

H2RES tool website:


13:30-13:45Results of the INTERENREGY projectProf. Neven Duić
13:45-14:15Emerging modules in H2RES model – expanding towards IAMs and multi-zonal optionsProf. Felipe Feijoo
14:15-15:30Round table on the advances in the modelling of smart energy systems based 100% on renewable energyProf. Neven Duić,
Prof. Iva Ridjan Skov,
Prof. Ingo Stadler,
Prof. Felipe Feijoo, Prof. Daniele Groppi

H2RES model presented at SDEWES 2021 conference in Dubrovnik

Special event of the project „Investigating energy transition pathways – interrelation between power-to-X, demand response and market coupling“– INTERENERGY, funded by the Croatian Science Foundation under the project number IP-2019-04 9482, was held as SDEWES conference on October 14th 2021.


09:00-09:15Introduction to the INTERENREGY projectProf. Neven Duić
09:15-09:45Creation and features of the H2RES energy planning modelDr. Felipe Feijoo
09:45-10:00Use cases of the H2RES model and comparison with other energy planning toolsMr. Luka Herc
10:00-10:10Next steps in the INTERENERGY projectMr. Antun Pfeifer
10:10-10:55Round table „Modelling the demand response and power-to-X technologies in Energy planning tools”Prof. Neven Duić, Prof. Henrik Lund, Prof. Ingo Stadler, Dr. Felipe Feijoo
10:55-11:00Announcement of the H2RES challenge with prizesProf. Neven Duić

Special event chair and project leader is prof. Neven Duić from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.

Event featured round table session with experts in the field of energy systems and energy modelling: Prof. Neven Duić, Prof. Henrik Lund, Prof. Ingo Stadler and Dr. Felipe Feijoo

Round table session
Chair board of the session and .Dr. Felipe Feijoo
.Dr. Felipe Feijoo presenting the H2RES model
Prof. Neven Duić presenting INTERENERGY project
Mr. Antun Pfeifer giving an overview of the next steps in INTERENERGY project
Mr. Luka Herc presenting the results from H2RES model

You can take a look at the presentations at SDEWES Youtube channel:

Model presented at the conference in Greece

Researcher and member of the INTERENERGY team, Felipe Feijoo presented the H2RES model on July 12th, 2021. Presented version of the model includes power-to-x technology and demand-response modules. The model was presented at the EURO 2021 conference in Greece. The conference was held in Athens, and deals with operational research and management focusing on system optimization.

Felipe Feijoo presents the H2RES model, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece

Find more about the conference on official website: